How to check your PNR status

Check PNR status Indian RailwaysPassenger name record is known as the PNR. Passenger name record consists a personal details of the passengers. PNR number is the ten digits numerical code. The PNR number linked to each railway booking at the top of the railway ticket. The number created either single booking or a group booking. You will find the passenger name record on the top of the left corner in your railway ticket.

Why would I check the PNR status

Using this PNR number you can find whether your railway ticket has been confirmed or it is on the waiting list. It includes some information such as details of a passenger, booking details like destination, boarding date, boarding time, contact details, name, age, gender etc. using the passenger name record you can follow the current status of your ticket.

Steps to check the PNR status

Checking your passenger name record status is a very simple method. You can check your PNR details by entering the ten digit numeric code. After that, you ‘click get PNR status’. The database of the center of railway information systems stored all information about the passenger. If a person buys the railway ticket, the system creates a PNR status number every time. The PNR number can include maximum of six passengers in terms of a group booking.

There are three ways available to check your passenger name record. You can check online via your PC, and check via send SMS service and you can check via your smartphone app.

It is an easy method to check your PNR via online. You can simply send a request to the official railway website. Using an SMS service you can check your PNR status. Send your ten digit passenger name record number to valuable numbers.

The android apps also available to check the PNR numbers. You can download the app on your internet connected smartphone. And then, easily check your PNR status.

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